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Ukrainian Association Ayurveda - Yoga 

With the support of Embassy of India, Kyiv,Ukraine
The Ukrainian Association Ayurveda-Yoga (UAAY)

The Ukrainian Association Ayurveda-Yoga (UAAY) is a non-profit organization that promotes the practice of Ayurveda and Yoga in Ukraine. The organization was founded in 2018,with the support of Embassy of India, Kyiv, Ukraine and is based in Kyiv.

UAAY provides education, resources, and support to practitioners of Ayurveda and Yoga in Ukraine. The organization also works to promote the use of Ayurveda and Yoga  and to raise awareness of the benefits of these ancient healing systems.

UAAY offers a variety of services, including workshops, seminars, and retreats, as well as online resources and support. The organization also works to connect practitioners of Ayurveda and Yoga in Ukraine with each other, and to create a network of practitioners in the country. UAAY is committed to promoting the practice of Ayurveda and Yoga and to helping practitioners of these healing systems to reach their full potential.UAAY offers a variety of services, including workshops, seminars, and retreats, as well as online resources and support. The organization also works to connect practitioners of Ayurveda and Yoga in Ukraine with each other, and to create a network of practitioners in the country. UAAY is committed to promoting the practice of Ayurveda and Yoga in Ukraine, and to helping practitioners of these healing systems to reach their full potential.

Logo Ukrainian Association of Ayurveda-Yoga and International Ayurveda Yoga Institute
Ukrainian Association Ayurveda - Yoga 
International Ayurveda & Yoga Institute

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Міністерство юстиції України. Єдиний державний реєстр юридичних осіб, фізичних осіб-підприємців та громадських формувань. Дата запису: 13.09.2018. Номер запису: 1 071 102 0000 042357. Ідентифікаційний код юридичної особи: 42473089. Україна, м. Київ, 04208, просп. Василя Порика, 9.Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Individuals-Entrepreneurs and Public Formations. Date of record: 13.09.2018. Record number: 1 071 102 0000 042357. Identity code of the legal entity: 42473089. Ukraine, Kyiv, 04208, Vasyl Porika ave, 9.Ідентифікаційний код: 43574368. Україна, 02090, М.Київ, Вулиця Алма-Атинська, 2/1,  Identity code of the legal entity: 43574368. Ukraine, Kyiv, 02090, Alma-atinskaya, 2/1.

©2023 UAAY I IAYI 

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